Farming Extreme Manager for Farmville


If you want to contact the developers of this application for any reason (assistance, suggestions, donations, questions, payments, etc), please complete the following form:



I haven't received my register key
I Have donated but haven't received anything
Are there other forms of payment?
Is this a one time payment or monthly fee?
Paypal doesn't accept my card
Why is there a sales tax?

Register Key
I haven't received my register key
When I insert my register key, it says it is not valid
Every time I open the application, it asks for my register key
When I insert my register key, nothing happens
When I insert my register key, it says "Error Registering Key"
I have lost my register key
When I insert my register key, it says it is already in use
I've run out of available register key resets
Can I use my license key in more than one computer?

I don't know where to insert the serial key, where do I download?
When I try to download, it says the page is not available
When I try to download, the download stops before finishing
When trying to install, it says the package is corrupted or I just get an empty black dos window flash
When trying to install, it says my operating system is not suppported
I have a Mac Computer and can't install
How can I uninstall the application?
I've downloaded the application but nothing changes in farmville
When I try to install, it says I don't have .Net Framework installed

Opening the Application
When I try to open the application, it closes immeadiatly
I can't find the installed application

Defining Planting Areas
When the application tells me to open farmville, nothing happens
When the application tells me to open farmville, I get a message saying "I can't see farmville"
When I click on the screen to put a dot, nothing happens
How can I delete a planting area?
When I try to update my farm image, the application crashes
How can I start everything from scratch?
How do I define multiple farm profiles?
The screenshot is taken before I actually open farmville in fullscreen
The image doesn't capture my whole farm
I don't know how to use the shift key to put dots in an area

The application does one action, ie harvest, and then stops
Only a portion of my farm is being harvested
The mouse cursor goes through the motions but doesn't click on them
Some plots are not being harvested
The application is not closing every popup
The application is planting the wrong seed
The application keeps opening/closing the market (or clicking where it shouldn't)
The application doesn't repeat the process when it should
A popup saying my farm is being saved shows up

Collecting from Animals / Harvesting Trees
My animals are not being collected
My trees are not being harvested
During this process, the application moves some items around
The application does not collect from my dairy farms or chicken coops

Level-Up Trick
A popup shows up stopping the process
I get a message saying there are objects in the way
I get a message saying "levelup stopped"
The application clicks in an area different from the one I selected
The application tries to delete items from my farm
The process is so fast the farmer does not have time to plant
I am loosing coins

Helping Neighbors
The application goes to a neighbor's farm and stops there
The application is not fertilizing my neighbors farms

The application fails when it tries to update
When I try to re-install, it says that it is already installed
When I try to re-install, I keep getting the old version

I want to change my account data
I forgot my password
I am selling lots of copies and want to win a greater commission
I have a large farmville group/fanpage/website and want to discuss business opportunities
I want to propose a business partnership

Suggestions/Complaints/Bug Reports
Bug/Glitch Report